Friday, 8 January 2010

Cold Snap Confirms Global Warming (according to the BBC)!

The BBC has a piece here explaining how this current cold snap fits perfectly with the (New Age Religion) of Global Warming.
They never rest do they!


MathewK said...

Warming, cooling, not changing, doesn't matter one bit to the left, any excuse to foist some sort of tax on the west to drag it down.

Anonymous said...

Wow..the snow looks very thick..must be very cold out there..

Tony nile life said...

Its not that the snow is deep the poles have sunk into the ground due to the marsh conditions under the thin layer of snow.
Lies" lies and more lies,
so why can't I tell a little porky.
But really this is the effect of Mining to close to the surface.

James Higham said...

I'm a global cooling devotee.

J Bonington Jagworth said...

Does anyone know when it's too long to be called a 'snap'? I'm getting irked by the continued use of this phrase, but I suspect it's mandatory at the BBC to help preserve the fiction that it's only a temporary blip and that things are still warming up. I've also noticed that the Met Office web forecasts regularly underestimate the degree of cold, presumably for the same reason...