Thursday 4 December 2008

Ex Offender Role Models

Recently, Premier League footballer and ex convict Joey Barton has said that he sees himself as a potential role model for some of today's wayward youth.He's been off the booze now for apparantly ten months or so and also out trouble for a little while too.Which, of course is all very good.In fact it's quite a trend really: ex con turns good and lectures wayward youth on the error of their ways.BUT...... to my mind at least, there's a pretty fundamental problem in all of this.And that problem is, that in lecturing the youth of today about the error of their (potential) ways the likes of Barton (and many others who tour schools etc) become role models.Fine you might think, but in order to become these role models (which the impressionable youth will want to) they must of course become ex offenders.And in order to become an ex offender you must first of course offend..........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David Cameron's 'man on the train' falls into this category I think.